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Private V. Professional

With the advent of Facebook, the lines between personal and professional have become so blurry, they are more of a grey space. Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest... The list is endless and suddenly your personal life is being sructunized for your professional one. 

It would be ideal to have a blog for my professional "serious" life as a (soon to be) Marketing Analyst, and one for the whimsical soul who is still trying to figure out who she is as a person, but since both are part of me, they overlap. One of the reasons I was drawn into Marketing Analytics is being able to imperically study consumer behavior and help companies use it to build a new kind of customer relationship, one where share holder value is measured by customer lifetime value and selling a product or service is second to providing customer value. 

I guess it all boils down to the only way I can be the best in my professional life, is to learn from my personal one and vice versa. So I hope that those prosepctive employers won't judge me too harshly for still trying to figure things out. 




Laurel Lieb